After the closure of Mare Island Naval Shipyard was announced in 1993, the City of Vallejo initiated an intensive reuse planning effort that culminated in the Mare Island Reuse Plan adopted in 1994. The Reuse Plan guided all the agreements with the Navy for transfer of the site.
Reuse Plan - Executive Summary 1994 Reuse Plan - Expanded Report 1994
In 1998, the Navy and the City of Vallejo certified the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Disposal and Reuse of Mare Island Naval Shipyard Vallejo, CA.
Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report Vol. I - April 1998 Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report Vol. II - April 1998
The Mare Island Specific Plan was developed in 1999 to provide more specific development parameters for Mare Island. It was last amended in 2013.
Mare Island Specific Plan Adopted 1999 Mare Island Specific Plan Amended 2013 Appendix A - Master Utility Plans (prepared by Chaudhary & Associates, Inc.) Amended & Restated Specific Plan Master Utility Plans Exh 1-4 Appendix B.1 - Historic Project Guidelines Appendix B.2 - Exhibits to Historic Guidelines Appendix B.3 - Historic Resources Catalogue Appendix B.4 - Design Guidelines Mare Island Historic District Appendix C - Sign Program Appendix D - Street Cross-Sections Appendix E - Preliminary Master Development Plan Specific Plan Graphics
The City prepared California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analyses on the Specific Plan which are provided below:
Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Draft) - August 2005 Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Final) - October 2005 Subsequent Environmental Impact Report Mitigation Monitoring Plan - November 2005 Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (Final) Addendum - July 2007