The City Council recently approved an Ordinance eliminating the most restrictive of drought measures that originally took effect in 2015 in response to California's drought state of emergency. After heavy winter rains left local water reservoirs full and reduced the need for mandatory conservation measures, a modification of local water policies was warranted. In response, the new Ordinance (NO. 1768 -2d) amended/removed local outdoor watering restrictions cited in Vallejo Municipal Code Chapter 11.54 which limited the number of days and at what times a property owner could water their landscapes. The new measure keeps in place other long-standing local wasteful water practices and retains enforcement penalties and administrative citation procedures that support the efficient use of the City's water resources. Below is an abstracted rendition of Vallejo's current water restrictions. Click HERE to view a full version of Ordinance NO. 1768 (2d).
No washing of driveways, patios, pavements with running water, except for health and safety needs
No water runoff from irrigation onto sidewalks, parking lots, or structures
No outdoor watering within 48 hours after rainfall
No automatic serving of drinking water to customers at restaurants, upon request only
No single pass cooling systems
Decorative outdoor fountains and water features must use a recirculating system
Landscapes outside newly constructed homes and buildings must meet standards established by the California Building Commission & Housing and Community Development Department
Plumbing system leaks stopped within 36 hours of discovery
Mandatory use of recycled water, when available, for construction, compaction, dust control, and street sweeping
Hotels must provide guests an option to have towels & linens laundered daily
- New car wash facilities must use recirculating systems