Where am I on the waiting list?
-Vallejo Housing Authority does not give applicants a specific waiting list number. This is because your position on Vallejo Housing Authority's waiting lists may change depending on preference changes from other applicants and as other applicants are removed from the waiting lists. You are encouraged to visit www.waitlistcheck.com where you are able to check your status and update your contact information.
Do I have to be a Vallejo resident to be assisted?
-No. However, Vallejo Housing Authority does give a preference to those persons on the waiting list who are living or working in Vallejo.
I am a person with disabilities, will I get housing more quickly?
-Persons with disabilities will be assisted before non-disabled single persons under the age of 62.
Do you have emergency housing or emergency assistance?
-No. Federally subsidized housing is not an entitlement program like other forms of public assistance. That is, even though you may be eligible for and in need of housing assistance, there are not enough funds to assist everyone who qualifies. This is why the waiting lists and the wait is so long.
I am homeless can you help me?
-Unfortunately, Vallejo Housing Authority does not have emergency housing or subsidy available. We will refer you to agencies that provide emergency shelter and assistance, information is available in the Lobby of the Vallejo Housing Authority.
My family may be evicted, how can you help?
-Again, unfortunately, Vallejo Housing Authority does not operate emergency housing or emergency subsidy. We were established to provide long-term affordable rental housing.
What is Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) rental assistance?
-Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) rental assistance is a government subsidy that allows eligible families to rent in the private market and pay approximately 30% to 40% of their income toward rent. The VHA pays the remainder of the rent directly to the landlord.
Can anyone apply for Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) rental assistance?
-Anyone aged 18 years of age or older or a minor who is emancipated under state law may apply when the interest list is open.
Can I apply for the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program in Vallejo?
-Yes, if the interest list is open. However, if you are flexible as to the city or county of voucher issuance, we recommend you visiting www.affordablehousingonline.com as they have wait list statuses for housing authorities around the nation.
How do I find out the status of my application or my place on the waiting list?
-If you are an applicant, you may log-in to Assistance Connect at www.assistancecheck.com You may update your contact information here, as well.
The website says that I need a PIN. How do I receive one?
-If you have not already received one, we will need to issue you a pin number. Please reach out to us by email at [email protected] and provide us with a phone number to contact you for verification if needed.
How long does it take to receive a voucher from the VHA?
-The amount of time it takes to receive a housing choice voucher depends on funding availability based on either new funding or turnover of vouchers. Once funding is available, the next applicants on the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) wait list are pulled by highest preference points. Due to high demands for rental assistance under this program, it’s hard to predict how long the wait will be once you are on the waitlist.
Does the VHA check an applicant's history to determine if they are eligible for housing?
-Yes. The VHA checks an applicant's past rental history during the eligibility intake process to determine if the family owes another Housing Authority or other federally operated rental program. We also conduct criminal records checks to help determine if an applicant is eligible for housing, this may include fingerprints. If an applicant is determined not eligible for housing, or a participant is terminated, they have the right to file an appeal with the VHA’s hearing office. For more information on filing an appeal, you may contact VHA’s Hearing Officer at (707) 648-4507.
How long is a housing choice voucher good for?
-Once a voucher is issued, a participant has 120 days to find a suitable unit before the voucher expires. However, under certain situations, VHA may provide an extension for an additional 30 days and the request for the extension must be received in writing PRIOR to the voucher expiration date. No extension can be provided after the voucher expires and you will NOT have a right to a hearing.
Can I use the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) to move outside the City of Vallejo?
-Yes. This is considered Portability, and a housing choice voucher may be used in any area in the United States that has a (Section 8) Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Note: If neither the head of household nor the spouse/cohead of an applicant family had a legal residence in the initial PHA’s jurisdiction at the time that the family’s initial application for assistance was submitted, the family must lease a unit within VHA’s jurisdiction for at least 12 months before requesting portability
What size unit is appropriate for my household?
-Housing Choice Voucher assistance is available according to the family size. The following chart is the subsidy standards and guide used when issuing a voucher to a participant.
Voucher Size |
Persons in Household
(Minimum – Maximum) |
1 Bedroom |
1-2 |
2 Bedrooms |
2-4 |
3 Bedrooms |
3-6 |
4 Bedrooms |
4-8 |
5 Bedrooms |
5-10 |
How do I know if I income qualify for the HCV program?
-The income limit guidelines for the HCV program are distinguished by the Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Families must be below the Very Low (50%) Income Limits to qualify for the program.

How do I know if I was selected for the (HCV) Program?
-The VHA will conduct a random lottery selection process and families selected or not selected will be notified using the email address provided at the time of the application submission.
Should you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please call the Vallejo Housing Authority at 707-648-4507
For current HCV participants please click here to contact your assigned Housing Specialist with any questions, comments or concerns.