Demographic Information

According to the 2020-2021 Census, Vallejo's population has changed from 115,942 (Apr 2010) to 124,886 (Jul 2021). There are 43,883 households in Vallejo, with an average size of 2.8 persons per household.

The city's residents are well educated, as an estimated 27% have college or graduate degrees, and another 88% are a high school graduate or higher. Households with a computer is 96% and households with broadband internet subscription is 92%.

The community is ethnically and racially diverse — Hispanics comprise 29% of the local population; 23% are Asian; 22% are White; 18% are Black/African American; and 8% are of mixed or other heritage. Median age in the City is 36.8 years.
Owner-occupied housing rate (2017-2022) is 59%, with median value of $565,000. Median household income is $86,112 (in 2021 dollars)

For more information, please see Vallejo Quick Facts.


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