The City of Vallejo strives to keep streets, sidewalks, City-owned facilities, and utilities in good condition. We can't see every problem around town, so we need your help to let us know if there is a maintenance issue that needs attention.
- Potholes - Potholes are created by weather changes and heavy traffic, we work to fix (not just cover) all street damage. Please take a moment to visit our Street & Pothole Repair FAQ.
- Streetlights - There are 8,373 streetlights in Vallejo.
- Graffiti - We are responsible for removing tags and graffiti from public property, using Measure B Funds as well as with the help of local citizens who are a part of a Graffiti Removal Program.
- Illegal Dumping - We have one Maintenance Worker whose sole job is to clean up approximately 3,500 tons of illegally dumped trash and debris on public property each year!
- Street Signals - We maintain 121 traffic signals in Vallejo.
- Street Signs - We install new signs as directed by the Traffic Engineer, and maintain over 19,000 already installed signs as well as street and curb markings.
To report a non-emergency Maintenance problem, please use our online reporting tool, SeeClickFix.
In order for us to address the problem quickly, please tell us the exact nature and location of the maintenance issue. Locations can be cross streets, identifiable landmarks, addresses, or streetlight pole identification numbers.
3456 9th Street
At the intersection of 9th and West Street, near the hospital
Columbus Pkwy Light Pole #2240
You may also call the Maintenance Division at (707) 648-5235 during regular business hours.