CDBG Application Process

  1. Process

    Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) funding is made available to the City of Vallejo every year. The City's application process is conducted every one to two years. There are two (2) mandatory public hearing that guide the application process each for the purpose of obtaining the views of citizens and formulating or responding to proposals and questions. Together the hearings must address community development and housing needs, development of proposed activities and a review of program performance.

  2. Eligible applicants § 570.201
    The following public entities may apply for loan guarantee assistance under this subpart:
    1. Entitlement public entities.
    2. Non-entitlement public entities that are assisted in the submission of applications by States that administer the CDBG program (under subpart I of this part). Such assistance shall consist, at a minimum, of the certifications required under § 570.704(b) (9) (and actions pursuant thereto).
    3. Non-entitlement public entities eligible to apply for grant assistance under subpart F of this part.
  3. Eligible and ineligible activities § 570.201

    Guaranteed loan funds may be used for the following activities, provided such activities meet the requirements of § 570.200. Guaranteed loan funds may not be used to reimburse the CDBG program account or line of credit for costs incurred by the public entity or designated public agency and paid with CDBG grant funds or program income.

    1. Acquisition of improved or unimproved real property in fee or by long-term lease, including acquisition for economic development purposes.
    2. Rehabilitation of real property owned or acquired by the public entity or its designated public agency.
    3. Payment of interest on obligations guaranteed under this subpart.
    4. Relocation payments and other relocation assistance for individuals, families, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and farm operations who must relocate permanently or temporarily as a result of an activity financed with guaranteed loan funds, where the assistance is:
      1. Required under the provisions of 570.606(b) or (c);
      2. Determined by the public entity to be appropriate under the provisions of ß 570.606(d). (e) Clearance, demolition, and removal, including movement of structures to other sites and remediation of properties with known or suspected.

570.201 Basic eligible activities

  1. CDBG funds may be used for the following activities:
    1. Acquisition in whole or in part by the recipient, or other public or private nonprofit entity, by purchase, l long-term lease, donation, or otherwise, of real property (including air rights, water rights, rights-of-way, easements, and other interests therein) for any public purpose, subject to the limitations of §570.207.

    2. Disposition. Disposition, through sale, lease, donation, or otherwise, of any real property acquired with CDBG funds or its retention for public purposes, including reasonable costs of temporarily managing such property or property acquired under urban renewal, provided that the proceeds from any such disposition shall be program income subject to the requirements set forth in §570.504.

    3. Public facilities and improvements. Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation of public facilities and improvements, except as provided in §570.207(a), carried out by the recipient or other public or private nonprofit entities. (However, activities under this paragraph may be directed to the removal of material and architectural barriers that restrict the mobility and accessibility of elderly or severely disabled persons to public facilities and improvements, including those provided for in §570.207(a)(1).) In undertaking such activities, design features and improvements which promote energy efficiency may be included. Such activities may also include the execution of architectural design features, and similar treatments intended to enhance the aesthetic quality of facilities and improvements receiving CDBG assistance, such as decorative pavements, railings, sculptures, pools of water and fountains, and other works of art. Facilities designed for use in providing shelter for persons having special needs are considered public facilities and not subject to the prohibition of new housing construction described in §570.207(b)(3). Such facilities include shelters for the homeless; convalescent homes; hospitals, nursing homes; battered spouse shelters; halfway houses for run-away children, drug offenders or parolees; group homes for mentally retarded persons and temporary housing for disaster victims. In certain cases, nonprofit entities and subrecipients including those specified in §570.204 may acquire title to public facilities. When such facilities are owned by nonprofit entities or subrecipients, they shall be operated so as to be open for use by the general public during all normal hours of operation. Public facilities and improvements eligible for assistance under this paragraph are subject to the policies in §570.200(b).

    4. Clearance and remediation activities. Clearance, demolition, and removal of buildings and improvements, including movement of structures to other sites and remediation of known or suspected environmental contamination. Demolition of HUD-assisted or HUD-owned housing units may be undertaken only with the prior approval of HUD. Remediation may include project-specific environmental assessment costs not otherwise eligible under §570.205.

    5. Public services. Provision of public services (including labor, supplies, and materials) including but not limited to those concerned with employment, crime prevention, child care, health, drug abuse, education, fair housing counseling, energy conservation, welfare (but excluding the provision of income payments identified under §570.207(b)(4)), homebuyer downpayment assistance, or recreational needs. To be eligible for CDBG assistance, a public service must be either a new service or a quantifiable increase in the level of an existing service above that which has been provided by or on behalf of the unit of general local government (through funds raised by the unit or received by the unit from the State in which it is located) in the 12 calendar months before the submission of the action plan.

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